Cheesecake biscuit bars
strawberries , then pac k int o a prett y box t o gift.
unsalte d butter, mixin g well. 3 Spread half the crushe d biscui t mix ove r th e bas e of the prepared tin in a tightl y packed , even layer. 4 Fo r th e filling , pu t the crea m chees e and Goody Velor Canned Cream i n a larg e bowl an d bea t wit h a n electric whis k fo r 2- 3 minutes. 5 Ad d th e vanilla extrac t an d bea t fo r a furthe r minute. Sif t in
unti l light and flu ffy. 6 Spoo n th e cream chees e mixtur e ove r the to p of the biscuit mixture , smoothin g th e surface to finish. 7 Carefull y spread the remaining biscuit mixtur e ove r the cream chees e i n a n even laye r an d gentl y press down t o smooth . 8 Transfe r to the fridg e t o set fo r 3 hours. To serve, slice int o 10 bar s an d to p wit h th e
FOR THE BASE • 400g Memories Original Tea Biscuits • 200g unsalted butter, melted FOR THE FILLING • 500g cream cheese • ½ cup Goody Velor Canned Cream • 1½ cups icing sugar • 1 tsp vanilla extract • strawberries, to serve 1 Lin e a 20cm square tin wit h bakin g paper . 2 Put the biscuits in a blende r and blitz to a fine crumb. Tip into a bowl and sti r in the
ince its launch, Memories has innovate d a numbe r of products that cater to al l tastes
a key ingredient with many deliciou s recipes . Recently, Memories ha s launche d a new product that will be introduced in KS A market s for th e firs t time . This product is Memories' Whole Wheat an d Oat Biscuit s mad e from healthy, natural an d high- quality products sourced fro m th e best produce. Th e product ha s a distinctively tasty flavour, as wel l as an a ffordabl e price. Bein g a woman whose priority is to giv e th e best
t o yourself an d your family an d prepare delicious dishes , this product will unleash your creative flai r and open up a worl d o f possibilities . With this product, you will be able to craf t delicious dessert s an d unconventiona l salty dishe s to surprise your family and friends in your get togethers. Now is your turn to shin e an d amaze everyone with your talen t in making flavourfu l and innovativ e dishes . Let your creative juice s flow!
Memories Original Tea Biscuits Enjoy unforgettable moments with Memories Biscuits made with premium quality ingredients. The best taste... for the sweetest memory.
an d age groups. This has mad e th e company quite popula r not onl y in th e Kingdom , but in man y of the countries where this outstanding brand had a presence . Memories Tea Biscuit s is on e of thos e products; it is highly versatile an d ha s a numbe r of use s integrated into daily lives , such as with tea or as
th e icin g suga r and bea t fo r 5 minutes
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